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School spirit goes far beyond your typical pep rally and can create a welcoming,
motivating environment for those who step foot on campus each and every day. There are many reasons why school spirit is important to not only students, but the faculty and staff members as well. Here are a few reasons why school spirit is a must on your campus and some ways you can easily enhance your spirit!


When your school works together towards achieving a common goal, it helps to get many staff and students involved. School spirit helps to bring people together, that in other circumstances might not have worked well before as a team. Projects, such as hallway banners, décor and organizing team activities are a few easy ways to get students to cooperate and use their talents to create inspiring things around school. Many school spirit activities involve the help of students from all grade levels and the ultimate goal is to motivate others as well. For example, if students need to fundraise for a school dance, they will need to work together from all grade levels to advertise with school posters and flyers around campus, decide on fundraising times and even help to sell the items specifically. This collaboration gets everyone around school working towards a common goal and once achieved, inspires those who participated to work together again in the future for similar activities.


Students will take great pride in their school when equipped with the proper supplies and gear to show off their spirit. New school merchandise is exciting and supplying students with ever-changing designs and styles will make them anticipate the next look that they’ll all want to wear. From shirts, to keychains and umbrellas, there’s a wide variety of spirit gear they can sport in and out of the classroom to show off their pride. When wearing something with their school name, club or organization it makes students feel a great sense of responsibility and pride and allows them to show off something that they feel passionate about. Parents, faculty and staff can also sport this gear, gaining more attention to different age groups and sets of people. Students will feel happy and proud when their parents have something to brag about or show off and the same goes for the students themselves. When you’re involved in something that you spend a significant amount of time on, you will want people to know just how hard you have worked. If you give students the opportunity to have pride in their accomplishments, they will want to show it off to others. Whether this takes place at pep rallies, sports events or just around campus in general, showing their school spirit makes it easy to have something they can support.


School spirit plays a huge role in motivating students around campus. Picture walking down a hallway with boring, bare walls, in a solid grey color; no posters or visuals whatsoever. Now picture walking down a hallway filled with posters, flyers and banners full of color! Which hallway would you rather walk down every day? School spirit makes it easy to catch the attention of busy students when walking between classes and these simple banners and hallway designs can help to encourage them to do great in school. A motivational poster could go a long way for someone who is having a rough day and using school spirit to create a positive and inspiring environment can lead students to have a positive day and focus more in class. When their friends are all wearing the same school shirt for a particular event, sport or organization, they will most likely want to wear that too. During class, students have their attention on their teachers and if their teachers participate in school spirit, they are reminded of what their school stands for.


The more a student feels motivated with school spirit and is involved in and around campus, the higher their academic achievement is. School spirit and academic achievement go hand in hand and studies show a positive correlation. A positive and motivating atmosphere makes students want to get involved and helps them to create goals of their own to accomplish. If everyone in school is excited about something, they most likely will want to join in and not feel left out. School spirit will quite literally lift their spirits and create a sense of general happiness and positivity. This type of atmosphere encourages students and whenever you are in a good, positive mood it’s easy to think positive and want to achieve success. Think of school spirit almost as a means of advertising. It helps to get the word out about special activities, clubs and organizations, sports and other events and once students start hearing some buzz about particular things, they might find an interest in one of them. This helps to spread the word and get students involved in an extracurricular activity they might otherwise not get involved in. Using school spirit to advertise certain clubs or activities, allows students to get excited and want to join in, thus increasing their academic performance as they are more involved and encouraged to succeed by peers and staff members.

At Spirit Gear, we provide the best quality products for your school spirit needs. Unlike your typical supply stores, we customize many unique products for the perfect accessory every time. Choose from a wide variety of products including shirts, keychains and even umbrellas for a custom and unique design that will stand out in a crowd and have every student wanting to sport the latest in school spirit accessories. To encourage your students and enhance the school spirit in and around your campus, contact us today for help creating your next project and design.